Senin, 11 Juni 2018

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Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling reveals writing routine on Twitter

Joanne Rowling , ( "rolling", born July 31, 1965), writing under pen name JK Rowling and Robert Galbraith , is an English novelist, philanthropist, film producer, television producer and screenwriter famous for writing Harry Potter fantasy series . The books have won many awards, and sold over 400 million copies, becoming the best-selling series of books in history. They also form the basis for the series film, in which Rowling has overall approval on the script and is the producer on the last films in the series.

Born in Yate, Gloucestershire, England, Rowling worked as a bilingual researcher and secretary for Amnesty International when he conceptualized the idea for the Harry Potter series while on a delayed train from Manchester to London in 1990. The seven-period the year that followed the death of his mother, the birth of his first child, the divorce from his first husband and the relative poverty until the first novel in the series, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, was published in 1997. There are six sequels, the last , Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , was released in 2007. Since then, Rowling has written four books for adult readers: The Casual Jobs (2012) and - under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith - fictional crime novels Cuckoo Calls (2013), The Silkworm (2014) and Career of Evil (2015).

Rowling has lived the life story of "junk into riches", where he evolved from living in a country of benefit to being the first billionaire writer in the world. He lost his billionaire status after giving most of his income to charity, but remains one of the richest people in the world. He is the author of the British bestseller, with sales of more than £ 238 million. The 2016 Weekly Rich List estimates Rowling's wealth at Ã, Â £ 600 million, ranking him as the richest man to-197 together in the UK. Time named him runner-up for Person of the Year 2007, noting the social, moral, and political inspiration he gave to his fans. In October 2010, Rowling was named "The Most Influential Woman in the UK" by a leading magazine editor. She has supported charities, including Comic Relief, One Parent Families and Multiple Sclerosis Society of Great Britain, and launched her own charity, Lumos.

Video J. K. Rowling


Though he writes with pen name J. K. Rowling, his name, before marrying again, is Joanne Rowling. Anticipating that the target audience of young boys might not want to read a book written by a woman, his publisher requested that he use two initials instead of his full name. Since he did not have a middle name, he chose K (for Kathleen) as the second initial of the pen name, from the paternal grandmother. She calls herself Jo. After getting married again, he sometimes uses Joanne Murray's name when doing personal business. During the Leveson Inquiry, he gave evidence by the name of Joanne Kathleen Rowling and her entry in Who Who (Who's Who) lists her name as well as Joanne Kathleen Rowling.

Maps J. K. Rowling

Life and career

Birth and family

Rowling was born by Peter James Rowling, Rolls-Royce aircraft engineer, and Anne Rowling (nÃÆ' Â © e Volant), a science engineer, on July 31, 1965 in Yate, Gloucestershire, England, 10 miles (16 km) northeast of Bristol. His parents first met on a train that departed from King's Cross Station to Arbroath in 1964. They married on March 14, 1965. One of his great-grandparents, Dugald Campbell, was a Scot, born in Lamlash on the Isle of Arran. The grandfather of his mother's father, Louis Volant, was French, and was awarded the Croix de Guerre for his extraordinary courage in defending the Courcelles-le-Comte village during the First World War. Rowling initially believed he had won the LÃÆ' Â © gion d'honneur during the war, as he said when he received it himself in 2009. He then discovered the truth when shown in an episode of the UK genealogy series Who Do You Think You Are ? , where he knew it was Louis Volant who won the Legion of Honor. When he hears his story of courage and finds the croix de guerre is for the "ordinary" warrior like his grandfather, who has been a servant, he declares that the croix de guerre is "Better" for him than the Legion of Honor.


Sister Rowling, Dianne, was born in their home when Rowling was 23 months old. The family moved to the nearby village of Winterbourne when Rowling was four years old. As a child, Rowling often writes fantasy stories that she often reads to her sister. At the age of nine, Rowling moved to Church Cottage in the village of Gloucestershire, Tutshill, near Chepstow, Wales. When he was a teenager, his aunt gave him a copy of Jessica Mitford's autobiography, Hons and Rebels. Mitford became Rowling's main character, and Rowling read all of his books.

Rowling said her teenage years were unhappy. His home life was complicated by his mother's diagnosis with multiple sclerosis and strained relationships with his father, with whom he did not speak. Rowling then says that he based the character of Hermione Granger on himself when he was eleven years old. Sean Harris, his best friend in Upper Sixth, has a greenish-colored Ford Anglia that inspires the flying version that appears in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Like many teenagers, he became interested in pop music, listening to Clash, Smith and Siouxsie Sioux and adopting the last look with combed hair back and black eyeliner, a look he still sport when starting university.


As a child, Rowling attends St. Michael's Elementary School, a school founded by abolitionist William Wilberforce and education reformer Hannah More. His principal at St Michael's, Alfred Dunn, has been advised as an inspiration for Harry Potter principal Albus Dumbledore. He attended high school at Wyedean School and College, where his mother worked in the science department. Steve Eddy, his first high school English teacher, remembers it as "not amazing" but "one of a group of smart girls, and quite proficient in English". Rowling takes A-levels in English, French and German, reaching two As and B and becoming Head Girl.

In 1982, Rowling took entrance examinations for Oxford University but was not accepted and earned a BA in French and Classics at Exeter University. Martin Sorrell, a French professor at Exeter, recalled "a fairly competent student, with a denim jacket and black hair, who, in academic terms, gave the impression of doing what was necessary." Rowling remembers doing a little work, preferring to read Dickens and Tolkien. After a year of studying in Paris, Rowling graduated from Exeter in 1986. In 1988, Rowling wrote a short essay about his time studying the Classics entitled "What Nymph's Name Again? Or Greek and Roman Studies Reminiscent"; it was published by the journal University of Exeter Pegasus .

Inspiration and death of the mother

After working as a researcher and bilingual secretary in London for Amnesty International, Rowling moved with her boyfriend then to Manchester, where she worked in the Chamber of Commerce. In 1990, while he was on a four-hour delayed train journey from Manchester to London, the idea for a story about a boy who attended a magic school "fully formed" in his mind.

When he reached the Clapham Junction flat, he began writing immediately. In December, Rowling's mother, Anne, died after ten years of multiple sclerosis. Rowling wrote Harry Potter at the time and never told her mother about it. Her mother's death greatly affected Rowling's writings, and she channeled her own feelings of loss by writing about Harry's loss in detail in the first book.

Marriage, divorce, and single parent

An advertisement on The Guardian encouraged Rowling to move to Porto, Portugal, to teach English as a foreign language. He taught at night and began writing during the day while listening to the Tchaikovsky Violin Concert. After 18 months in Porto, he met Portuguese television journalist Jorge Arantes in a bar and found that they shared his interest with Jane Austen. They married on October 16, 1992 and their son, Jessica Isabel Rowling Arantes (named after Jessica Mitford), was born on July 27, 1993 in Portugal. Rowling had previously suffered a miscarriage. The couple split up on November 17, 1993. Biographers claim that Rowling suffered domestic abuse during her marriage, although so far unknown. In December 1993, Rowling and her infant daughter moved to Edinburgh, Scotland, to be near Rowling's sister with three chapters of what would become Harry Potter in her suitcase.

Seven years after graduating from university, Rowling considers himself a failure. Her marriage has failed, and she has no job with a dependent child, but she describes her failure as liberation and allows her to focus on writing. During this period, Rowling was diagnosed with clinical depression and thought to commit suicide. His illness inspires a character known as the dementor, a soul-sucking creature introduced in the third book. Rowling signed up for welfare benefits, describing his economic status as "poor because he may be in modern England, without being homeless."

Rowling was left in despair after her estranged husband arrived in Scotland, searching for her and her daughter. He obtained an Order of Restraint, and Arantes returned to Portugal, with Rowling filing for a divorce in August 1994. He started a teacher training course in August 1995 at the Moray House School of Education, at Edinburgh University, after finishing his first novel while living on state benefits. He writes in many cafà © s, especially Nicolson's Cafà ©  © (owned by his brother-in-law), and Elephant House, wherever he can make Jessica fall asleep. In a 2001 BBC interview, Rowling denied the rumor he wrote at a local cafe to escape from his unheated flat, indicating that it had been heating up. One of the reasons she writes in cafà ©  is that taking her baby out for a walk is the best way to make her fall asleep.

Harry Potter

In 1995, Rowling completed his manuscript for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on an old manual typewriter. On the enthusiastic response of Bryony Evens, a reader who has been asked to review the first three chapters of the book, the Fulham-based Christopher Little Literary Agency agreed to represent Rowling in his search for a publisher. The book was submitted to twelve publishers, all rejecting the manuscript. A year later he was finally given a green light (and a deposit of £ 1,500) by editor Barry Cunningham of Bloomsbury, a publisher in London. The decision to publish Rowling's book owes much to Alice Newton, the eight-year-old daughter of Bloomsbury chairman, who was given the first chapter to review her father and immediately demanded the next one. Though Bloomsbury agreed to publish the book, Cunningham said that he advised Rowling to get a daily job, because he had little chances of making money in children's books. Soon after, in 1997, Rowling received an £ 8,000 grant from the Scottish Art Council to allow him to continue writing.

In June 1997, Bloomsbury published Philosopher's Stone with an initial print of 1,000 copies, 500 of which were distributed to the library. Today, such copies are priced between Ã, Â £ 16,000 and Ã, Â £ 25,000. Five months later, this book won its first award, a NestlÃÆ' © Smarties Book Prize. In February, the novel won the British Book Award for Children's Book of the Year, and later, the Children's Book Award. In early 1998, an auction was held in the United States for the right to publish the novel, and was won by Scholastic Inc., for US $ 105,000. Rowling said that she was "almost dead" when she heard the news. In October 1998, Scholastic published Philosopher's Stone in the US under the title Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone , Rowling's change says he is now sorry and will fight if he has been in a better position well then. Rowling moved out of his flat with money from Scholastic sales, to 19 Hazelbank Terrace in Edinburgh.

The sequel, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets , was published in July 1998 and once again Rowling won the Smarties Prize. In December 1999, the third novel, Harry Potter and Azkaban Prisoner, won the Smarties Prize, making Rowling the first to win the award three times in a row. He then drew the fourth Harry Potter novel of the feud to allow other books to get a fair chance. In January 2000, Prisoner of Azkaban won the first Whitbread Children's Book of the Year award, despite losing the Book of the Year with Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf .

The fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was released simultaneously in Britain and the United States on July 8, 2000 and broke sales records in both countries. 372,775 copies of the book were sold on the first day in the UK, almost matching the number of Prisoner of Azkaban sold during the first year. In the US, the book sold three million copies in the first 48 hours, destroying all records. Rowling said that she had a crisis while writing a novel and had to rewrite one chapter many times to fix the problem with her plot. Rowling was named Author of the Year at the 2000 British Book Awards.

The three-year wait takes place between the release of Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter's fifth Harry Potter novel Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. This gap led to press speculation that Rowling has developed a writer's block, speculation she denies. Rowling then says that writing the book is a chore, that it can be shorter, and that he is running out of time and energy when he tries to solve it.

The sixth book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , was released on July 16, 2005. It also broke all sales records, selling nine million copies in its first 24 hours of release. In 2006, Half-Blood Prince received a Book of the Year prize at the British Book Awards.

The seventh and last book titles of were announced on December 21, 2006 as Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows . In February 2007 it was reported that Rowling wrote on a statue in his hotel room at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh that he had completed the seventh book in the room on January 11, 2007. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows were released on July 21, 2007 (0:01 BST) and broke his previous record as the best-selling book of all time. It sold 11 million copies in its first day of release in the UK and USA. The last chapter of this book is one of the earliest things he has written throughout the series.

Harry Potter is now a global brand worth about US $ 15 billion, and the last four Harry Potter books have sequentially scored the fastest-selling books in history. The series, with a total of 4,195 pages, has been translated, in whole or in part, into 65 languages.

The Harry Potter book also gained recognition for sparking interest in reading among young people at a time when children were thought to be leaving books for computers and television, although it was reported that despite the large uptake of books, adolescent readings continued to decline.

Harry Potter movie

In October 1998, Warner Bros bought the film's rights to the first two novels in seven digits. The Harry Potter and Sorcerer's adaptation films were released on November 16, 2001, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on November 15, 2002. Both films were directed by Chris Columbus. The film version Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban was released on June 4, 2004, directed by Alfonso CuarÃÆ'³n. The fourth film, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, was directed by Mike Newell, and was released on November 18, 2005. Movies from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix were released on 11 July 2007. David Yates directed, and Michael Goldenberg wrote the script, after taking over from Steve Kloves. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince were released on July 15, 2009. David Yates directed again, and Kloves again wrote the script. Warner Bros. filming the final installment of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , in two segments, with the first part being released on November 19, 2010 and the second part being released on July 15, 2011. Yates directed both films.

Warner Bros. is very concerned about Rowling's wishes and thoughts when drafting his contract. One of the main provisions was that the films were taken in England with the English players, who were generally obeyed. Rowling also demanded that Coca-Cola, the winner of the race to tie their product into the film series, donated US $ 18 million to American charity, Reading is Fundamental, as well as several community charity programs.

The first, fourth, sixth, seventh, and eighth films were written by Steve Kloves; Rowling helps her in the writing process, ensuring that her script does not conflict with future books in this series. He tells Alan Rickman (Severus Snape) and Robbie Coltrane (Hagrid) some secrets about their characters before they are revealed in the books. Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) asks him if Harry died at any point in this series; Rowling answers it by saying, "You have a death scene", thus not explicitly answering that question. Director Steven Spielberg was approached to direct the first movie, but out. The press has repeatedly claimed that Rowling played a part in his departure, but Rowling stated that he has no voice who directs the film and will not veto Spielberg. Rowling's first choice for the director was Monty Python member Terry Gilliam, but Warner Bros. wanted a family friendly movie and chose Columbus.

Rowling has gained some creative control on the film, reviewing all the scripts and acting as a producer on the last two-part installment, Deathly Hallows .

Rowling, producers David Heyman and David Barron, along with director David Yates, Mike Newell and Alfonso CuarÃÆ'³n collect Michael Balcon Awards for Great British Contribution to Cinema at the 2011 UK Academy Film Awards in honor of the film 'Harry Potter' franchise.

In September 2013, Warner Bros. announced an "expanded creative partnership" with Rowling, based on a series of films planned on Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. The first film, written by Rowling, was released in November 2016 and was set about 70 years before the main series events. In 2016, it was announced that the series would consist of five films, with the second scheduled for release in November 2018.

Financial success

In 2004, Forbes was named Rowling as the first billionaire to write a book, the second richest female entertainer and 1,062 richest people in the world. Rowling denied the calculations and said she had a lot of money, but not a billionaire. The 2016 Weekly Rich List estimates Rowling's wealth at Ã, Â £ 600 million, ranking him as the richest man to-197 together in the UK. In 2012, removes Rowling from their rich list, claiming that the $ 160 million charity donation and high tax rate in the UK means he is no longer a billionaire. In February 2013 he was rated the 13th most powerful woman in Britain by Woman's Hour on BBC Radio 4.

In 2001, Rowling bought a 19th-century plantation house, Killiechassie House, on the banks of the Tay River, near Aberfeldy, in Perth and Kinross. Rowling also has a 4.5 million pound Georgian house in Kensington, west London, on the road with 24-hour security.

By 2017, Rowling is worth about £ 650 million according to the Sunday Times Rich List. He was named the highest paid writer in the world with an income of £ 72 million ($ 95 million) per year by Forbes magazine in 2017.

Marriage and family

On December 26, 2001, Rowling married Neil Murray (born June 30, 1971), a Scottish physician, in a private ceremony at his home, Killiechassie House, near Aberfeldy. Their son, David Gordon Rowling Murray, was born on March 24, 2003. Shortly after Rowling began writing Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, he stopped working on the novel to care for David in his childhood..

Rowling is a friend of Sarah Brown, the wife of former prime minister Gordon Brown, whom she met when they collaborated on a charity project. When Sarah Brown's son Fraser was born in 2003, Rowling was one of the first to visit him in the hospital. Rowling's youngest son, Mackenzie's daughter Jean Rowling Murray, to whom he dedicates Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is born on 23 January 2005.

In October 2012, a New Yorker magazine article stated that the Rowling family lived in a 17th-century Edinburgh house, hidden in front of a hedge of high conifers. Prior to October 2012, Rowling lived near author Ian Rankin, who later said he was reserved and introspective, and that he looked in his element with the children. In June 2014, the family lives in Scotland.

The Casual Vacancy

In July 2011, Rowling parted company with his agent, Christopher Little, moving to a new agency founded by one of his staff, Neil Blair. On February 23, 2012, her agency, Blair Partnership, announced on her website that Rowling will publish a new book aimed at adults. In a press release, Rowling said that his new book will be very different from Harry Potter. In April 2012, Little, Brown and Company announced that the book is titled The Casual Vacancy and will be released on September 27, 2012. Rowling gives some interviews and makes an appearance to promote The Casual Vacancy >, including at London Southbank Center, Cheltenham Literature Festival, Charlie Rose and Lennoxlove Book Festival. In the first three weeks of its release, The Casual Vacancy sold over 1 million copies worldwide.

On December 3, 2012, it was announced that the BBC will be adapting The Casual Vacancy to a television miniseries drama. Agent Rowling, Neil Blair acts as a producer, through his independent production company and with Rick Senat as executive producer. Rowling collaborated in adaptation, serving as executive producer for this series. The series airs in three parts from 15 February to 1 March 2015.

Cormoran Storm

In 2007, during the Edinburgh Book Festival, author Ian Rankin claimed that his wife saw Rowling "cross out" the detective novel at a cafe. Rankin then pulled back his story, claiming it was a joke, but the rumor persisted, with a report in 2012 on The Guardian speculating that Rowling's next book would be a criminal novel. In an interview with Stephen Fry in 2005, Rowling claimed he would prefer to write the next books under a pseudonym, but he admitted to Jeremy Paxman in 2003 that if he did, the press would probably "find out in seconds".

In April 2013, Little Brown published the Cuckoo Call recognized by dà © Å © but the novel writer Robert Galbraith, whose publisher described it as "a former plainclothes Royal Police Military investigator who left in 2003 to work in the industry civil security ". This novel, a detective story in which private detective Cormoran Strike reveals supermodel suicide, sells 1,500 copies in hardback (though the issue is not resolved on July 21, 2013; the report goes on to state that this number is the number of copies printed for the first run, sales closer to 500) and received praise from authors and other criminal critics - the Weekly Publisher's review calls this book a "star debut", while the Library Journal ' part mystery announces novel "debut this month".

Indian Knight, a novelist and columnist for The Sunday Times, tweeted on July 9, 2013 that she had read The Cuckoo's Calling and thought it was good for a dà © but novel. In response, the tweeter called Jude Callegari says that the author is Rowling. Knight asked this but got no further answer. Knight told Richard Brooks, the art editor of the Sunday Times, who started his own investigation. After discovering that Rowling and Galbraith had the same agents and editors, he sent books for linguistic analysis that found common ground, and then contacted Rowling's agent confirming that it was a pseudonym for Rowling. Within days after Rowling was revealed as a writer, book sales rose 4,000%, and Little Brown scored another 140,000 copies to meet the growing demand. On June 18, 2013, a copy of the first edition signed sold for US $ 4,453 (Ã,  £ 2,950), while a copy of the first unsold edition offered was offered for $ 6,188 (£ 3,950).

Rowling says that she enjoys working under a pseudonym. On his Robert Galbraith website, Rowling explains that he took the name from one of his personal heroes, Robert Kennedy, and the childhood fantasy name he created for himself, Ella Galbraith.

Immediately after the revelation, Brooks contemplated whether Jude Callegari could become Rowling as part of a wider speculation that the whole affair had become a publicity stunt. Some also noted that many writers who originally praised the book, such as Alex Gray or Val McDermid, were in the circle of Rowling's acquaintance; both firmly deny any prophecy about Rowling's authorship. Judith "Jude" Callegari is a close friend of Chris Gossage's wife, a partner in Russells Solicitors, Rowling's legal representative. Rowling released a statement saying he was disappointed and angry; Russells apologized for the leak, confirming that it was not part of the marketing action and that "the disclosure was made in secret to someone whom he [Gossage] believes implicitly". Russells contributed to the Army Charity on behalf of Rowling and returned it for his legal fees. On 26 November 2013, the Government Regulatory Authority (SRA) issued a written warning gossage and a fine of £ 1,000 for violating the privacy rules.

On February 17, 2014, Rowling announced that the second Strike Cormoran novel, named The Silkworm , will be released in June 2014. He sees Strike investigating the disappearance of a writer who is hated by many of his old friends for insulting them in the novel the new.

By 2015, Rowling states on Galbraith's website that the third Cormoran Strike novel will include "the amount of crazy planning, the most I do for any book I've written so far, I have a color-coded spreadsheet so I can keep track of where I'm going. "On April 24, 2015, Rowling announced that work on the third book has been completed. Entitled Career Crime , was released on October 20, 2015 in the United States, and on October 22, 2015 in the UK.

In 2017, the BBC released the television series Cormoran Strike , starring Tom Burke as Cormoran Strike, which was taken by HBO for distribution in the United States and Canada.

In March 2017, Rowling revealed the fourth novel title via Twitter in the game "Hangman" with his followers. After several failures, the followers finally guess right. Rowling confirmed that the title of the next novel is Lethal White . While intended for release in 2017, Rowling revealed on Twitter that the book took longer than expected and will be the longest book in the series so far.

The next Harry Potter publication

Rowling says it's unlikely she will write more books in the Harry Potter series. In October 2007 he stated that his work in the future is unlikely to be in the fantasy genre. On October 1, 2010, in an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Rowling stated a new book about the story was possible.

In 2007, Rowling declared that he planned to write a Harry Potter encyclopedia of the world of magic that consisted of unpublished material and notes. Any advantage of such a book will be given to charity. During a press conference at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood in 2007, Rowling, when asked how the encyclopedia came, said, "It's not coming, and I have not started writing it yet. I never said it was the next thing I would do. At the end of 2007, Rowling said the encyclopedia could take up to ten years to complete.

In June 2011, Rowling announced that future Harry Potter projects, and all electronic downloads, would be concentrated on a new website, called Pottermore. This site contains 18,000 words of information about the characters, places, and objects in the Harry Potter universe.

In October 2015, Rowling announced via Pottermore , that two parts of her play had co-written with playwrights Jack Thorne and John Tiffany, Harry Potter and the Cursed Son , are 'The Story of Harry Potter Eight 'and it will focus on the life of Harry Potter's youngest son, Albus after the epilogue of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. On October 28, 2015, the first round of tickets went on sale and sold out within hours.

J.K. Rowling Archives - Us Weekly


In 2000, Rowling founded the Volant Charitable Trust, which uses an annual budget of $ 5.1 million to combat poverty and social imbalance. The funds are also provided to organizations that help children, one parent's family, and multiple sclerosis research.

Anti-poverty and welfare of children

Rowling, formerly a single parent, is now the president of the Gingerbread charity (initially One Parent Families), after becoming their first ambassador in 2000. Rowling collaborated with Sarah Brown to write a children's story book to help One Parent Families.

In 2001, UK anti-poverty fundraiser Comic Relief requested three British bestselling author authors - TV writer and presenter Delia Smith, Bridget Jones creator Helen Fielding, and RowlingÃ, to submit booklets linked to most book them. famous works for publication. Two of Rowling's Books, Fantastic Animals and Places to Find Them and Quidditch Through the Ages are a facsimile of the books found in the Hogwarts library. Since it went on sale in March 2001, the books have raised £ 15.7 million for the fund. The Ã, Â £ 10.8 million they collect outside the UK has been channeled into the newly created International Fund for Children and Young People in Crisis. In 2002 Rowling contributed the introduction to Magic, a fictional anthology published by Bloomsbury Publishing, helping raise funds for the National Council for Single Family Parents.

In 2005, Rowling and MEP Emma Nicholson founded the Children's High Level Group (now Lumos). In January 2006, Rowling went to Bucharest to highlight the use of caged beds in mental institutions for children. To further support the CHLG, Rowling auctioned off one of seven handwritten and pictorial copies of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, a series of fairy tales referred to in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. The book was bought for £ 1.95 million by's online bookseller on December 13, 2007, becoming the most expensive modern book ever sold at auction. Rowling gives the remaining six copies to those who have a close relationship with the Harry Potter books. In 2008, Rowling agreed to publish the book with the results it received to Lumos. On June 1, 2010 (International Children's Day), Lumos launches an annual initiative - Lighten Birthday Candles for Lumos . In November 2013, Rowling surrendered all revenues from the sale of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, totaling nearly Ã, Â £ 19 million.

In July 2012, Rowling performed at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London where he read several lines from J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan as part of a tribute to Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children. The inflatable representation of Lord Voldemort and other children's literary characters accompanied him to read.

Multiple sclerosis

Rowling has contributed money and support to the research and treatment of multiple sclerosis, from which her mother suffered before her death in 1990. In 2006, Rowling contributed a great deal towards the creation of a new Regenerative Medicine Center at Edinburgh University, later naming Regenerative Neurologist Anne Rowling. In 2010 he donated more than 10 million pounds to the center. For unknown reasons, Scotland, the adoption state of Rowling, has the highest rates of multiple sclerosis in the world. In 2003, Rowling took part in a campaign to set national care standards for MS sufferers. In April 2009, he announced that he withdrew his support for the Scottish Multiple Sclerosis Society, citing his inability to resolve the ongoing feud between the northern and southern branches of the organization which has weakened the spirit and caused some resignations.

Other philanthropic jobs

In May 2008, Waterstones booksellers asked Rowling and 12 other authors (Sebastian Faulks, Doris Lessing, Lisa Appignanesi, Margaret Atwood, Lauren Child, Richard Ford, Neil Gaiman, Nick Hornby, Michael Rosen, Axel Scheffler, Tom Stoppard and Irvine Welsh) to Make a short section of their own choice on one A5 card, which will then be sold at auction with the help of Dyslexia Action and UK PEN. Rowling's contribution is an 800-word preview of Harry Potter involving Harry's father, James Potter, and godfather Sirius Black, and it happened three years before Harry was born. The cards were collected and sold for charity in book form in August 2008.

On August 1 and 2, 2006, he read with Stephen King and John Irving at Radio City Music Hall in New York City. The profits from the event are donated to the Haven Foundation, a charity that helps artists and artists who can not be insured and can not work, and medical NGO MÃÆ' Â © decos Sans FrontiÃÆ'¨res. In May 2007, Rowling promised a reported donation of more than £ 250,000 to a prize fund initiated by the World News tabloid for the return of a young British girl, Madeleine McCann, who disappeared in Portugal.. Rowling, along with Nelson Mandela, Al Gore, and Alan Greenspan, wrote the introduction to Gordon Brown's speech collection, the proceeds donated to Jennifer Brown Research Laboratory. After his exposure as a true author of Cuckoo Calling led a huge increase in sales, Rowling announced he would donate all royalties to the Military Emergency Fund, claiming that he always intended, but never thought the book to be a best-seller.

Rowling is a member of PEN England and PEN Scotland. He is one of 50 writers to contribute to the First Edition, Second Mind, a charity auction to PEN England. Each author notes the first edition of one of their books: In Rowling's case, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. The book was the best-selling of the event and was taken Ã, Â £ 150,000 ($ 228,600).

Rowling is a supporter of The Shannon Trust, who runs the Toe by Toe Reading Plan and Shannon's Reading Plan in prisons across England, assisting and providing guidance to unreadable prisoners.

J.K. Rowling Biography - Biography


Rowling has appointed civil and communist rights activist Jessica Mitford as her "most influential writer" who says, "Jessica Mitford has been my hero since I was 14 years old, when I heard my great aunt discussing how Mitford escaped on the age of 19 to fight the Reds in the Spanish Civil War, "and claiming what inspired him about Mitford was that he" instinctively instinctively rebelled, dared, adventurous, funny and disrespectful, he did not like the better rather than a good fight, better against the arrogant and hypocritical targets ". Rowling describes Jane Austen as her favorite writer, calling her Emma her favorite book on O, The Oprah Magazine . As a child, Rowling said early influences included CS Lewis, The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge, and Manxmouse i> by Paul Gallico.

Writing 'Career Of Evil' Gave Robert Galbraith (aka J.K. Rowling ...



Rowling is known for his left wing political views. In September 2008, on the eve of the Labor Conference, Rowling announced that he had donated Ã, Â £ 1 million to the Labor Party and publicly supported Labor Prime Minister Gordon Brown over conservative challenger David Cameron, praising Labor's policy on child poverty. Rowling is a close friend of Sarah Brown, Gordon Brown's wife, whom she met when they collaborated on a charity project for One Parent Families.

Rowling discusses the 2008 US presidential election with Spanish-language newspaper El PaÃÆ's in February 2008, stating that elections will have a major effect on other parts of the world. He also said that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton would be "exceptional" in the White House. In the same interview, Rowling identifies Robert F. Kennedy as his hero.

In April 2010, Rowling published an article in The Times, where he criticized Cameron's plan to encourage married couples to stay together by offering them a £ 150 tax credit per annum to them: "No one ever experiencing the reality of poverty can say 'it's not money, it's a message' When your flat is broken and you can not afford a locksmith it's money When you two short pence a can of baked beans, and your child is hungry, that's money. When you find yourself contemplating shoplifting to get a diaper, it is money. "

As a resident of Scotland, Rowling qualified to vote in a 2014 referendum on Scottish independence, and campaigned for a "No" vote. He donated Ã, Â £ 1 million to Better Together's anti-independence campaign (run by his former neighbor Alistair Darling), the biggest donation he has received at the time. In a blog post, Rowling explained that an open letter from a Scottish medical professional raises a problem with First Minister Alex Salmond's plan for general research funding. Rowling compared some Scottish Nationalists with Death Eaters, a character from Harry Potter who scoffs at those who do not have pure blood.

On October 22, 2015, a letter was published in The Guardian signed by Rowling (along with more than 150 other figures of art and politics) who opposed the Israeli cultural boycott, and announced the creation of a network for dialogue, called Culture for Coexistence. Rowling then explains his position in more detail, saying that although he opposes most of Benjamin Netanyahu's actions, he does not think a cultural boycott will lead to the abolition of Israeli leaders or help improve the situation in Israel and Palestine.

In June 2016, Rowling campaigned against the Referendum to leave the European Union, stated on his website that "I am a product of this European continent and I am an internationalist I was raised by a Francophile mother whose family is proud of their French heritage... My score is not contained or banned by the border The absence of visas when I cross the channel has a symbolic value to me I may not be at my house but I am still in my hometown. "


For years, some religious people, especially Christians, have denounced Rowling's books for being considered to be promoting magic. Rowling identifies as a Christian, and attends the Church of Scotland congregation while writing Harry Potter . His eldest daughter, Jessica, was baptized there. He once said, "I believe in God, not magic." At first he felt that if the reader knew his Christian beliefs, they would be able to predict the story line.

In 2007, Rowling described her raised in the Church of England. He said he was the only one in his family who regularly went to church. As a student he became irritated by the "arrogance of the religious people" and rarely adore. Later, he began attending again at a church in Edinburgh.

In a 2006 interview with Tatler magazine, Rowling noted that, "like Graham Greene, my faith is sometimes about whether my faith will return." It's important to me. " He has said that he has struggled with doubt, that he believes in the afterlife, and that his faith plays a role in his books. In a 2012 radio interview, he said he was a member of the Scottish Episcopal Church, a province of the Anglican Guild.

In 2015, after a referendum on same-sex marriage in Ireland, Rowling jokes that if Ireland legalizes same-sex marriage, Dumbledore and Gandalf can marry there. The Westboro Baptist Church, in response, stated that if both were married, they would do the picket. Rowling replied by saying, "Ouch, that awesomeness of such unity in such a place will make your fanatical little mind out of your thick skull."


Rowling has a difficult relationship with the press. He claims to be "thin-skinned" and does not like the changing nature of reporting. Rowling denies his reputation as a hermit who hates being interviewed.

In 2011, Rowling has taken more than 50 actions against the press. In 2001, the Press Complaints Commission ratified the complaint by Rowling for a series of unauthorized photos with his daughter on the beach in Mauritius published in the OK magazine! . In 2007, Rowling's young son, David, aided by Rowling and her husband, lost in court to ban publishing a photo of her. The photograph, taken by a photographer using a remote lens, was then published in a Sunday Express article featuring the family life and motherly Rowling. The ruling was canceled to support David in May 2008.

Rowling especially dislikes the English tabloid Daily Mail, who has interviewed her ex-husband who is already alienated. As noted by a journalist, "Uncle Vernon Harry is a cruel philosopher with a violent tendency and very little brains, it's not hard to guess which newspaper Rowling gave him to read in the [[Fire Cup] ]." In January 2014, he searched for damage from Mail due to defamation of an article about his time as a single mother. Some people speculate that Rowling's full-time press is the inspiration behind the character Rita Skeeter, a celebrity gossip journalist who first appeared in Goblet of Fire, but Rowling noted in 2000 that the character preceding him ascended to fame.

In September 2011, Rowling was named the "core participant" in Leveson Investigations into the culture, practice and ethics of the British press, as one of dozens of celebrities who may be the victims of phone hacking. On November 24, 2011, Rowling gave evidence before the investigation; though he was not suspected of being a phone hack victim, his testimony included a photographer's account camped in front of his door, his fiancee being deceived to give his home address to a journalist disguised as a tax official, he pursued a journalist a week after giving birth, a journalist left a note in his daughter's schoolbag a five-year-old, and an attempt by The Sun to "blackmail" him into a photo opportunity in exchange for the return of a stolen manuscript. Rowling claims he must leave his former home in Merchiston due to a press disorder. In November 2012, Rowling wrote an article for The Guardian in reaction to David Cameron's decision not to apply the full recommendation of Leveson's investigation, saying he felt "tricked and angry".

In 2014, Rowling reaffirms his support for "Dead Hacks" and his campaign against self-regulation of the press by signing along with other British celebrities a declaration to "[keep] the press from political interference while also providing crucial protection for the vulnerable."

J.K. Rowling publishing new 'Harry Potter' short story - The Verge

Legal disputes

Rowling, its publisher, and Time Warner, the owner of the rights to the Harry Potter film, have done many legal actions to protect their copyrights. The popularity of the Harry Potter series around the world has led to the emergence of a number of locally-produced and unofficial sequels and other derivative works, which sparked attempts to ban or detain them.

Another area of ​​legal disputes involves a series of orders obtained by Rowling and his publisher to prohibit anyone from reading his book before their official release date. The order drew fire from civil liberties and a speech-free spokesman and sparked a debate over "the right to read".

Harry Potter: Interview with JK Rowling from 1998

Awards and honor

Rowling has received honorary degrees from St Andrews University, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh Napier University, Exeter University he attended, Aberdeen University and Harvard University, for whom he spoke at the commencement ceremonies of 2008. In 2009 Rowling made the Chevalier de la LÃ © © gion d'honneur by French President Nicolas Sarkozy. In 2011 Rowling became an Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.

Other awards include:

  • 1997: NestlÃÆ' © Smarties Book Prize, Gold Award for Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  • 1998: NestlÃÆ' © Smarties Book Prize, Gold Award for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • 1998: English Children's Book of the Year, the winner of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  • 1999: NestlÃÆ' © Smarties Book Prize, Gold Award for Harry Potter and Azkaban Prisoner
  • 1999: National Book Book Children's Award of the Year, winners of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  • 1999: Whitbread Children's Book of the Year, the winner of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
  • 2000: English Book Award, Author of the Year
  • 2000: Royal Order Officer, for service for Children's Literature
  • 2000: Locus Award, winner of Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban
  • 2001: Hugo Award for Best Novel, winner of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • 2003: Premio PrÃÆ'ncipe de Asturias, Concord
  • 2003: Stoker Bram Award for Best Works for Young Readers, winners of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  • 2006: English Book of the Year, winners for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
  • 2007: Blue Badges of Peter, Gold
  • 2007: Named Barbara Walters' Most Fascinating Person of the year
  • 2008: English Book Award, Extraordinary Achievement
  • 2008: Edinburgh Award
  • 2010: Hans Christian Andersen Literature Award, first prize winner
  • 2011: British Academy Film Award, British Extraordinary Contribution to Cinema for Harry Potter movie series , shared with David Heyman, cast and crew
  • 2012: Freedom of London
  • 2012: Rowling is one of British cultural icons selected by artist Sir Peter Blake to appear in a new version of his most famous work - The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover - to celebrate the British cultural figure of his life.

He was appointed as a Member of the Honorable Friend's Order (CH) in the 2017 Anniversary Award for literary and philanthropic services.

Why J.K. Rowling's Tribute to a Victim of the Orlando Massacre Is ...


Young adult

Harry Potter series

  1. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (June 26, 1997)
  2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (July 2, 1998)
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (July 8, 1999)
  4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (July 8, 2000)
  5. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (June 21, 2003)
  6. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (July 16, 2005)
  7. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (July 21, 2007)

Related work

  • Fantastic Animals and Where to Find Them (a supplement to the Harry Potter series ) (March 1, 2001)
  • Quidditch Through the Ages (supplement to the Harry Potter series ) (March 1, 2001)
  • The Tales of Beedle the Bard (supplement to the Harry Potter series ) (December 4, 2008)
  • Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (concept story) (game written by Jack Thorne) (July 31, 2016)
  • Short Stories from Hogwarts of Power, Politics and Poltergeist the Gloom (September 6, 2016)
  • Short Stories from Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship and Dangerous Hobbies (September 6, 2016)
  • Hogwarts: Incomplete and Unreliable Guide (September 6, 2016)
  • Fantastic Animals and Where to Find Them (movie script) (November 19, 2016)

Short story

  • Harry Potter prequel (July 2008)


  • The Casual Vacancy (September 27, 2012)

Serial Cormoran Strike

  • Cuckoo Call (as Robert Galbraith) (April 18, 2013)
  • The Silkworm (as Robert Galbraith) (June 19, 2014)
  • Career Crime (as Robert Galbraith) (October 20, 2015)
  • Lethal White (as Robert Galbraith) (2018)



  • McNeil, Gil and Brown, Sarah, editor (2002). Preface to the Magic anthology. Bloomsbury.
  • Brown, Gordon (2006). Introduction "Ending Child Poverty" in Moving The UK Forward. Selected Speeches 1997-2006 . Bloomsbury.
  • Sussman, Peter Y., editor (July 26, 2006). "The First It Girl: J. K. Rowling reviews Decca: the Letters by Jessica Mitford ". The Daily Telegraph .
  • Anelli, Melissa (2008). Preface to Harry, A History . Pocket book.
  • Rowling, J. K. (June 5, 2008). "Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination". Harvard Magazine .
    • JK Rowling, Very Good Life: The Benefits of Fracture Failure and Importance of Imagination , illustrated by Joel Holland, Sphere, April 14, 2015, 80 pages (ISBNÃ, 978-1-4087-0678 -7).
  • Rowling, J. K. (April 30, 2009). "Gordon BrownÃ, - The 2009 Time 100". Magazine Time .
  • Rowling, J. K. (April 14, 2010). "The Single Mother's Manifesto". The Times .
  • Rowling, J. K. (November 30, 2012). "I feel cheated and angry at David Cameron's reaction to Leveson". The Guardian .
  • Rowling, J. K. (December 17, 2014). Is not it time we left the orphanage to a fairy tale? The Guardian .
  • Rowling, J. K. (guest editor) (April 28, 2014). "Taking Women Hours". Women's Clock , BBC Radio 4.

JK Rowling Takes a Stand Against the New Hermione Critics - DHTG


JK Rowling's twitter feed is ruining everything I love about JK ...


Harry Potter' author J.K. Rowling offers her best advice for success

External links

  • Official website
  • J. K. Rowling in the British Council: Literature
  • "The First It Girl", Rowling's article about Jessica Mitford for The Telegraph
  • Rowling's video, audio, and transcript speech at Harvard University's 2008 commencement
  • J. K. Rowling on the Internet Speculative Fiction Database
  • J. K. Rowling on IMDb
  • Works by J. K. Rowling in the Open Library
  • Works by or about J. K. Rowling in the library (WorldCat catalog)
  • J.K. Rowling in Internet Books List
  • Blair Partnership

Source of the article : Wikipedia
