Shaka kaSenzangakhona (c 1787 - 22 September 1828), also known as Shaka Zulu ( Zulu pronunciation: Ã, ['? a:? a] ), is one of the most influential kings of the Zulu Government.
He was born in the month of uNtulikazi (July) in 1787 near Melmoth at present, KwaZulu-Natal Province. Traditionally, Shaka is conceived during the action that began as ukuhlobonga , a form of penetrative sexual penetration for the unmarried couple, also known as "fun on the street" ( >), where the lovers become "carried".
Because of the persecution as a result of his impartiality, Shaka spent his childhood in his mother's settlement where he was initiated into a ibutho lempi (combat unit). In his early days, Shaka served as a soldier under Dingiswayo's rule.
Shaka went on to improve the ibutho system used by Dingiswayo and others and, with the support of Mthethwa's kingdom over the next few years, forged an alliance with its smaller neighbors, to counter the growing threat of the Ndwandwe attack from the North. The early Zulu maneuver was primarily defensive, as Shaka preferred to apply diplomatic pressure, aided by occasional strategic killings. The changes to local communities are built on existing structures. Although he prefers social political methods and propaganda, he is also involved in a number of battles, as described by Zulu sources. In turn, he was eventually killed by his own half-brother, Dingane and Mhlangana.
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When Senzangakhona (Shaka's father) died in 1816, younger Shaka's younger brother, Sigujana, took power as the legitimate heir of Zulu's chief. However, a brief Sigujana government such as Dingiswayo, who wanted to assert his authority, lent Shaka a regiment so that he could make Sigujana die to launch a relatively bloodless coup that was received substantially by Zulu. Thus Shaka became the head of the Zulu clan, though he remained a subordinate of Mthethwa's kingdom until Dingisway's death in combat a year later at the hands of Zwide, the powerful tribal chief of the Ndwandwe state (Nxumalo). When Mthethwa's forces were defeated and dispersed temporarily, the power vacuum was filled by Shaka. He reformed the remnants of Mthethwa and other regional tribes and then defeated Zwide in the Zulu War of 1819-20.
When Dingiswayo was killed by Zwide, Shaka tried to avenge his death. At some point, Zwide almost escapes from Shaka, although the exact details are unknown. In the meeting, Zwide's mother, Ntombazi, a Sangoma (fortune teller or Zulu shaman), was killed by Shaka. Shaka picks a very horrible revenge on him, locks himself in a house and puts a wolf or hyena in it: they devour him and, in the morning, Shaka burns the house to the ground. Despite this revenge, Shaka continues to pursue Zwide. Just around 1825 the two military leaders met, near Phongola, in what would be their last encounter. Phongola near the border of today KwaZulu-Natal, a province in South Africa. Shaka wins in battle, though his troops suffer many casualties, including his head military commander, Umgobhozi Ovela Entabeni.
In the early years Shaka had no influence or reputation to force anyone but the smallest group to join him, and at Dingiswayo's death Shaka moved south across the Thukela River, building his capital Bulawayo in the Qwabe region; he never moved back to the traditional Zulu heart. In Qwabe, Shaka may have intervened in the dispute of succession that existed to aid his own choice, Nqetho, into power; Nqetho then ruled as deputy chief for Shaka.
Maps Shaka
Power expansion and conflict with Zwide
When Shaka becomes more respected by his people, he is able to spread his ideas more easily. Because of his background as a soldier, Shaka taught Zulus that the most effective way to become strong fast is to conquer and control other tribes. His teachings greatly influenced the social views of the Zulu people. The Zulu tribe immediately develops the views of the fighters, which Shaka turns to his advantage.
Hegemony Shaka is based primarily on military power, destroying rivals and incorporating scattered remains into his own army. He completes this with a mixture of diplomacy and patronage, combining friendly chiefs, including Zihlandlo of Mkhize, Jobe of the Sithole, and Mathubane of Thuli. These men were never defeated in battle by Zulu; they do not have to be that way. Shaka wins them with subtle tactics, such as patronage and rewards. As for the ruling Qwabe, they began to recreate their genealogy to give the impression that Qwabe and Zulu were closely related in the past. In this way, a greater sense of cohesion is created, though never complete, as demonstrated by future civil wars.
Shaka still recognizes Dingiswayo and the larger Mthethwa clan as maharaja after he returns to Zulu, but, a few years later, Dingiswayo is ambushed by Zwide ama'dwandwe and killed. There is no evidence to suggest that Shaka betrayed Dingiswayo. Indeed, Zulu's core had to retreat before some Ndwandwe attacks; Ndwandwe is clearly the most aggressive group in the sub-region.
Shaka was able to form an alliance with the leaderless Mthethwa clan and was able to establish himself among Qwabe, after Phakathwayo was overthrown with relative ease. With Qwabe's support, Hlubi and Mkhize, Shaka can finally summon troops capable of fighting Ndwandwe (from the Nxumalo clan). Historian Donald Morris stated that Shaka's first major battle against Zwide, from Ndwandwe, was the Battle of the Hill of Gqokli, on the Mfolozi river. Shaka's troops maintained a strong position at the top of the hill. Frontal attacks by their opponents failed to drive them away, and Shaka sealed victory by sending his reserve troops in a sweep around the hill to attack the back of the enemy. The overall disadvantage is high but the efficiency of the new Shakan innovation is evident. Perhaps, over time, Zulu was able to hone and enhance their siege tactics.
Another decisive battle ended up in the Mhlatuze river, at a meeting with the Mvuzane stream. In a two-day battle, Zulu made a brilliant defeat on their opponents. Shaka then led a fresh reserve of about 70 miles (110 km) to Znel royal kingdom, the Ndwandwe ruler, and destroyed it. Zwide himself escaped with some followers before falling into the tribal chief named Mjanji, the ruler of the clan. (He died in a mysterious state soon afterwards.) General Zassan Soshangane (from the Shangaan) moves northward to what is now Mozambique to provide further damage to the less resistant enemies and take advantage of hard working opportunities, requiring Portuguese traders to pay homage. Shaka then had to compete again with his son Zwide, Sikhunyane in 1826.
Shaka granted permission for Europeans to enter Zulu region on rare occasions. In the mid-1820s Henry Francis Fynn gave medical care to the king after attempted murder by members of a rival tribe hidden in a crowd (see Nathaniel Isaacs note). To show his gratitude, Shaka allowed the European settlers to enter and operate in the Zulu kingdom. This will open the door for future British attacks into the less peaceful Zulu kingdom. Shaka observes several demonstrations of European technology and knowledge, but he argues that Zulu's path is superior to foreigners.
Death and succession
Dingane and Mhlangana, Shaka's half-sister, seem to have done at least two attempts to kill Shaka before they succeed, with possible support from elements of Mpondo, and some dissatisfied iziYendane. While British colonialists regarded his regime as a future threat, allegations that European merchants wished him to die a problem because Shaka had granted concessions to Europeans before his death, including the right to settle in Port Natal (now Durban). Shaka has made enough enemies among his own people to speed up his destruction. It came relatively quickly after the death of his mother Nandi in October 1827, and the devastation caused by Shaka's subsequent erratic behavior. According to Donald Morris, Shaka ordered no plants to be planted during the next year of mourning, no milk (the basis of the Zulu diet at the time) to be used, and every pregnant woman to be killed along with her husband. At least 7,000 people deemed not sufficiently grieved were executed, although the killing was not confined to humans: cows were slaughtered so that their calves would know what a mother's loss feels like.
King Zulu was killed by three assassins in 1828; September is the most quoted date, when almost all of Zulu's available labor has been shipped to the massive sweeping to the north. This causes the kraal of the kingdom to lack security. That's all the conspirators need - they are half-brothers Shaka, Dingane and Mhlangana, and iNduna named Mbopa. Redirects were made by Mbopa, and Dingane and Mhlangana struck a fatal blow. Shaka's body was dumped by his killers in an empty hollow pit, which was then filled with rocks and mud. The exact location is unknown. A monument is built on one suspected site. Historian Donald Morris argues that the real site is somewhere in Couper Street in the village of Stanger, South Africa.
Shaka's stepbrother, Dingane, took over power and embarked on a massive purge of pro-Shaka elements and chiefs, running for several years, to secure his position. The initial problem facing Dingane is to maintain the loyalty of Zulu or amabutho battle regiments. He discussed this by allowing them to marry and establish a guesthouse (this was forbidden during Shaka's reign), and they also received cattle from Dingane. Loyalty is also maintained through fear because anyone suspected of rivaling Dingane is killed. He founded his main residence in Mmungungundlovo and established his authority over the Zulu kingdom. Dingane reigned for about twelve years, during which time he fought, disastrous, fought Voortrekkers, and fought his half-brother Mpande, who, with Boer's and British support, took over Zulu's leadership in 1840, ruling for about 30 years. At the Battle of Isandlwana in 1879, Zulu would be one of the few Africans to defeat the British Army.
Shashi.27s_social_and_military_revolution ">
Some older histories have doubted the military and social innovations usually associated with Shaka, deny it directly, or link it to European influences. More modern scholars argue that such explanations fail, and that the common Zulu culture, which belongs to other tribes and clans, contains a number of practices that Shaka can draw to fulfill its purpose, whether in raiding, conquering or hegemony. Some of these practices are shown below.
Weapon changed
Shaka is often said to be dissatisfied with the long throw of "assegai," and is credited with introducing a new variant of weapons: "iklwa," a short stab with a long, wide spear, and like a sword..
Although Shaka may not have created an iklwa, according to the Zulu scholar, John Laband, the leader insisted that his soldiers train with weapons, which gave them "a daunting advantage over opponents who adhered to traditional practices throwing their spears and avoiding the hands." -conflict hand. "The throwing spear was not thrown away but used as an early missile weapon before close contact with the enemy, when a shorter piercing prick was used in hand-to-hand combat.
It is also suspected that Shaka introduced a larger and heavier version of the Nguni shield. In addition, it is believed that he taught his soldiers how to use the left side of the shield to link the enemy shield to the right, exposing the enemy's rib to a fatal spear puncture. In Shaka's time, this cow leather shield was supplied by the king, and they still belonged to the king. Different colored shields distinguish different amabutho in Shaka's army. Some have black shields, others use white shields with black spots, and some have white shields with brown spots, while others use pure brown or white shields.
Army mobility
The story that the sandals were dumped to strengthen the feet of Zulu warriors has been recorded in various military accounts such as The Washing of the Spears, Like The Lions They Fight, and Anatomy of the Zulu Army. The implementation is usually blunt. Those who object to leaving without slippers are killed just like that. Shaka often drills his troops, in a forced parade that sometimes travels more than 50 miles (80 km) per day by sprinting over a hot, rocky terrain. He also drills troops to engage in siege tactics.
Historian John Laband overrides these stories as myths, writes: "What should we make, then, from the statement of [Henry Francis European merchant] Fynn that once the Zulu army reached rock and hard ground in 1826, Shaka ordered cowhide slippers to be made for himself? "
Laband also dismissed the idea of ​​traveling 50 miles (80 km) in a day as ridiculous. He further claims that although these stories have been repeated by "admirable and admiring white commentators," the Zulu army covers "no more than 19 kilometers (12 miles) a day, and usually goes only about 14 kilometers (8.7 mi). "Furthermore, Zulu under Shaka sometimes progresses more slowly. They spent two full days recovering on one occasion, and the other they rested for a day or two before chasing their enemy. Some other historians of Zulu, and the Zulu military system, however, assert mobility rates of up to 50 miles per day.
Logistical support by youth
Boys and girls over the age of six joined Shaka's army as an apprentice (udibi) and served as rations, supplies such as cooking pots and bedding, and additional weapons until they joined the ranks main. It is sometimes held that such support is used more for very light troops designed to extract tributes to cattle and slaves from neighboring groups. Nevertheless, the concept of "light" power is questionable. The fast-moving Zulu raiding party, or "ibutho lempi," on a mission is always traveling lightly, riding cattle as a stock of nails, and unencumbered with heavy weapons and stock packages. The herdboy logistics structure is deployed to support this relatively short-term operation, and is adaptable to large or small expeditions.
Age-class regiment system
The age groupings of the various types are common in Day a day culture, and are still important in many African countries. Age values ​​are responsible for various activities, from guarding the camps, â € <â €
Most historians praised Shaka with the early development of the famous "bull" formation. "It consists of three elements:
- The main force, "casket", closes with the impetuous enemy and pin it in position, engages in close combat. The soldiers consisting of "chest" are senior veterans.
- while impiever's enemies are pinned by "chest", "Horn" will clamp the Impi from both sides and surround it; in relation to their "chest" will then destroy the trapped power. The soldiers consisting of "horns" are young and fast junior.
- The "waist," big proposal, hidden, sitting, behind the "chest" with their backs to battle, for they did not lose their confidence. The "waist" will be performed wherever the impetuous enemy is threatened from the siege.
Zulu army organization and leadership
Hosts are usually divided into three levels: regiments, multiple regiment corps, and "troops" or larger formations, though Zulu does not use these terms in the modern sense. Any groupings of people in missions can be collectively referred to as dreams, whether the invaders are from 100 or a bunch of 10,000 people. The figures are not uniform, but depend on various factors including duties by kings or laborers deployed by various tribal or regional heads. The regiment may be 400 or 4,000 people. These are grouped into corps that take their name from the military kraal in which they are deployed, or sometimes dominant regiments of the territory.
Shakan method versus European technology
Zulu's widespread power can not be avoided by European hegemony within decades after Shaka's death. In fact, the European travelers to Shaka's kingdom showed sophisticated technology such as firearms and writing, but the king of Zulu was less convinced. No need to record messages, he said, because his emissaries stood under the threat of capital punishment should they hear inaccurate news. As for firearms, Shaka acknowledged their utility as a missile weapon after seeing the muzzle-loader indicated, but he argued that by the time an armed man picks up to recharge, he will be flooded by charging an armed soldier's spear.
The first major clash after Shaka's death took place under his successor Dingane, against the expansion of Voortrekkers Europe from the Cape. Zulu's early successes rested on a fast-paced, abrupt attack and an ambush, but Voortrekkers recovered and overcame Zulu's massive defeat of their fortified carriage at the Battle of the River Blood. The second major clash was against England during 1879. Again, most of Zulu's success depended on their mobility, the ability to filter their troops and to close when their opponents were deployed unprofitable. Their great victory at the Battle of Isandlwana was known, but they also forced a British column back at the Battle of Mount Hlobane, with the regiment moving rapidly over a vast area of ​​abyss and brutal trenches, and attacking the British who were forced into quarrels which is irregular and chaotic, back to the city of Kambula.
Shaka as the creator of the revolutionary style of war
Some historians have argued that Shaka 'changed the nature of war in South Africa' from 'ritualized ritual exchanges with minimal loss of life being a true method of conquest with wholesale massacre'. Others dismiss this characterization (see the Scholarship section below). A number of authors focus on Shaka's military innovations such as iklwa - the pierced Zulu spear, and the "buffalo horn" formation. This combination has been compared to the standardization applied by the Roman legions reorganized under Marius.
- Combined with Shaka's "buffalo horn" formation formation for enemy forces that surround and annihilate, the combination of Zulu iklwa and shield - similar to the use of gladius and scutum by Romans - is devastating. At the time of Shaka's assassination in 1828, it made the Zulu kingdom the greatest power in South Africa and a force to be reckoned with, even against the modern British army in 1879.
Much controversy still surrounds the character, method, and activity of Zulu king. From a military point of view, historian John Keegan records the magnitudes and myths that surround Shaka, but retains:
The remarkable commentator calls him Shaka, Napoleon Black, and allows for different communities and customs, the exact comparison. Shaka is undoubtedly the biggest commander out of Africa.
Scholarship on Shaka
Sources on Shaka's life
Scholarships in recent years have revised the views of sources about Shaka's government. The earliest were two eyewitness accounts written by adventurous European adventurers who met Shaka during the last four years of his reign. Nathaniel Isaacs published his book Travel and Adventure in East Africa in 1836, creating the image of Shaka as a degenerate and pathological monster, surviving in a modified form to this day. Isaacs was assisted in this by Henry Francis Fynn, whose diary (actually a re-written collage of various papers) was edited by James Stuart only in 1950.
Their accounts may be offset by the rich resources of oral history collected around 1900 by the same James Stuart, now published in six volumes as The James Stuart Archive. Early 20th century work Stuart was followed by D. McK. Malcolm in 1950. These and other sources such as A. T. Bryant give us a more Zulu-centered picture. Most of the popular accounts are based on E. A. Novel Ritter Shaka Zulu (1955), an intrusive romance re-edited into something more historical. John Wright (professor of history at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg), Julian Cobbing, and Dan Wylie (Rhodes University, Grahamstown) are among a number of authors who have modified these stories.
Modern historians writing about Shaka and Zulu refer to the uncertain nature of Fynn and Isaac accounts of Shaka's rule. A standard general reference work on the ground is Donald Morris's "The Washing of The Spears", which notes that the sources, as a whole, for this historical era are not the best. However, Morris referred to a large number of sources, including Stuart, and A. T. Bryant's extensive but uneven "Olden Times in Zululand and Christmas", based on four decades of in-depth interviews on tribal sources. Having sifted through these sources and noted their strengths and weaknesses, Morris generally values ​​Shaka with a large number of military and social innovations, and this is a general consensus on the ground.
A 1998 study by historian Carolyn Hamilton summarizes many scholarships at Shaka before the dawn of the 21st century in areas ranging from ideology, politics and culture, to the use of his name and image in South Africa's popular park, Shakaland. It argues that in many ways, the image of Shaka has been "created" in the modern era according to whatever the agenda people hold. This "imagine Shaka" was held, to be balanced with a conscious view of the historical record, and allowing greater scope for contributions from indigenous African discourse.
Military historians of the Zulu War should also be considered for their descriptions of Zulu's battle and tactical methods, including authors such as Ian Knight and Robert Edgerton. Common South African history is also valuable including "Frontiers" Noel Mostert and a detailed description of the results of the Zulu expansion, J. D. Omer-Cooper "The Zulu Aftermath", which advances the traditional Mfecane theory.
Shaka and Mfecane
History and inheritance
Increased military efficiency led to more clans being incorporated into Shaka's kingdom in Zulu, while other tribes moved to be beyond the reach of Shaka's impis . The ripple effects caused by this mass migration will be known (though only in the twentieth century) as Mfecane (destruction). Some of the moving groups (such as Hlubi and Ngwane in northern Zulu) may be encouraged by Ndwandwe, not Zulu. Some moved south (such as Mchunu and Thembe), but never suffered much in the way of attacks; it's a precaution, and they leave many people in their traditional homeland.
Shaka's army began a massive expansion program, killing or enslaving those who fought in the territories that it conquered. His strictly disciplined (regiment of warrior) troop (warrior regiment): failure in battle means death.
At the time of his death, Shaka ruled over 250,000 people and could garner more than 50,000 troops. Its ten-year tenure resulted in large numbers of deaths, largely due to disruptions caused by neighboring tribes in Zulu, although the exact death toll was a matter of scientific dispute. Further unalterable deaths occur during mass ethnic migration to escape from their forces.
Mfecane produced Mzilikazi from Khumalo, general of Shaka. He escaped from Shaka's work, and in turn conquered the empire in Zimbabwe, after clashing with European groups like Boer. The settlements of the Mzilikazi, AmaNdebele or Matabele people, south of Zimbabwe driving AmaShona north led to tribal conflicts that still resonate today. Other prominent figures emerging from Mfecane include Soshangane, which flourished from the Zulu region into what is now Mozambique.
Disorder on Mfecane
Mfecane's theory states that the aggressive expansion of Shaka's forces caused a brutal chain reaction in the southern region of the continent, like an alienated tribe after a tribe turned to their neighbor in a cycle of deadly conquest and conquest. This theory should be treated with caution, some argue, as it generally ignores some other factors such as the impact of European encroachment, slave trade and expansion in the South African region at the same time. The normal estimate for the death toll ranges from 1 million to 2 million. These figures, however, are controversial.
The development of the view that Shaka is the monster responsible for the destruction is based on the needs of historians of the apartheid era to justify the racist policies of the apartheid regime according to Julian Cobbing. Other scholars acknowledge the distortion of historical records by discreet European apartheid and merchant supporters who attempt to cover their tracks but deny the revisionist approach, noting that the story of cannibalism, robbing, village burning, or mass slaughter does not develop from thin air but based on a clearly documented report of hundreds of victims and black refugees. Confirmation of the account can also be seen in the modern archaeological village of Lepalong, a settlement built underground to accommodate the remains of the Kwena people from 1827-36 against the waves of disturbance that plagued the area during Shakan's time.
William Rubinstein writes that "Western disappointment of colonialism has also contributed much to this distortion of what a pre-literacy society is like, a desire to avoid anything racist, even when it means distorting the real and often terrible. in many pre-literate societies ". Rubinstein also noted:
One element in Shaka's destruction is to create a large artificial desert around its territory... 'to make complete destruction, organized Zulu's killer groups regularly oversee waste, hunt down the lost and burn it like a boar'.. An area 200 miles north of the state center, 300 miles to the west, and 500 miles to the south stricken and populated...
Wylie (2006) expressed skepticism about Shaka's depiction as a pathological monster that destroys everything within reach. They argue that the attempt to distort life and its image has been systematic - starting with the first European visitor to his empire. One (Nathaniel Isaacs) wrote to Henry Fynn, a white adventurer, a merchant and sometimes a local tribal chief:
- Here you will publish. Make Shaka out as a bloodthristy as you can; it helps to swell the job and make it interesting.
Fynn obeys, and Wylie notes that he has an additional motive to distort Shaka's image - he appeals for a large grant of land - an area alleged to have been inhabited by Shaka's cruelty.
- [Fynn] states that Shaka has killed 'a million people.' You will still find this number, and higher, repeated in the literature today. However, Fynn has no way of knowing such a thing: it is a figment based on Shaka's particular view - Shaka as a kind of genocide maniac, an erratic killing machine. But why inventive lie?... Fynn is bargaining for a stretch of land, which allegedly has been inhabited by Shaka... (he insinuates), Shaka does not deserve that land because he is a jerk, while he - Fynn - is a lonely and noble civilization pioneer.
Wylie argues that Fynn, whose diary has been widely praised as a definitive source for Shaka is contradictory, self-serving and sometimes lying, and that Fynn himself is a front swashbuckler who sometimes orders the killing of those who dislike him , while doctors wrote her account to describe her, and the European settlers as a generous humanitarian. Fynn also occasionally served as agent of the colonial government on certain "dirty jobs" missions, such as inciting hostility between various tribes. Wylie insists that far from being a genocidal maniac, Shaka often reigns as the traditional Bantu king of his day. He attacks several enemies, but he also leaves many tribes in place, and maintains a network of dependent countries in peaceful children's relationships, or as counseling client countries. Sprees of massively allegedly distorted kills - Shaka is not the only operator in the area. There were other tribes and leaders of the time, each moving with their own conflict, creating chaos, not just Shaka. Others include Ndwandwe, and Mabhudu who built a longer-lasting government than Shaka and: "some are responsible for encouraging the Diamini-Swazi Tlokwa and Ngwane groups in the west through the Lubombo hills to the highlands... Ndwandwe will be the easiest, aggressive of all the groups, surpassing Zulu. "Wylie also notes that Zulu himself was born under threat even before Shaka was born as Mthethwa, the protector of the small Zulu clan, clashing against regional rivals like Ndwandwe, Chunu and Thembu. His war operations did not come out of a vacuum.
Wylie also believes that Shaka's view as a monster that initiated Mfecane did not survive under harsh analysis, and that regional upheaval and other factors had already occurred in the environment when Shaka emerged.
- "In short, the geographical isolation of the mainstream 'mfecane' model is invalid, and second, 'mfecane' can not be isolated in time.The major changes occur in longer periods than only in the 1810s... the third reason why the 'mfecane' model does not apply is that political developments in response to violence are not centered on Shaka's Zulu.Around 1750, it is now clear, hard work, trade, violence, the use of hilltop settlement defense, and more centralized groupings and military develop all the time same, right across the region. "
Michal Lesniewski has criticized Wylie for several attempts to revise Western thought about Shaka.
Physical description
Although there is still much unknown about Shaka's personal appearance, sources tend to agree he has a strong and muscular body and is not fat. Medium height and dark brown tones. He was not circumcised, which was against the tendencies in Zulu culture near that time.
Shaka's enemies describe him as a bad figure in some ways. He has a big nose, according to Baleka of Qwabe, as told by his father. He also has two prominent front teeth. His father also told Baleka that Shaka speaks as if "his tongue is too big for his mouth." Many say that he speaks with speech impediment.
There are anecdotes that Shaka jokes with one of his friends, Magaye, that he can not kill Magaye because he will be laughed at. Supposedly if he killed Magaye, it would have looked out of jealousy because Magaye was so handsome and "Shaka himself is ugly, with a prominent forehead".
Shaka in Zulu culture
The figure of Shaka still sparks interest among not only contemporary Zulu but many around the world who have found its tribe and history. The current tendency seems to be to lure him; popular movies and other media certainly contributed to its appeal. Certain aspects of traditional Zulu culture still worship the dead king, as is typical of the hymns below. The song of praise is one of the most widely used poetic forms in Africa, which applies not only to spirits, but also to men, animals, plants and even cities.
Other Zulu sources are sometimes critical of Shaka, and many negative images abound in Zulu's oral history. When Shaka's mother, Nandi, died, for example, the king ordered a massive outpouring of sadness including mass executions, banning cultivation of plants or the use of milk, and the killing of all pregnant women and their husbands. The oral source notes that in this period of destruction, a single Zulu, a man named
The figure of Shaka thus remains an ambiguous feature in the oral tradition of Africa, opposing the simple portrayal of the Zulu king as a heroic and valiant nation builder on the one hand, or a lecherous monster on the other. This obscurity continues to lend Shaka's image of its power and its continuing influence, almost two centuries after his death.
- uShaka Marine World, aquatic amusement park in Durban opened in 2004.
- King Shaka International Airport at La Mercy, 35 km north of Durban city center opened on 1 May 2010 in preparation for the 2010 FIFA World Cup after a protracted debate on the name that lasted for two years. King Shaka Airport in Durban opened midnight.
Popular culture
- Shaka Zulu, a SABC TV miniseries about Shaka, starring Henry Cele in the title race.
- Is featured as a playable leader in the computer strategy game Civilization II , Civilization III, and Civilization IV: Warlord, , Civilization V: Brave New World and Civilization VI: Rise and Fall.
- The Rapper Holocaust refers to Shaka Zulu in the song "Sinister."
- Shown in Epic Rap Battles of History episode versus Julius Caesar, where he is depicted by DeStorm Power.
- Shown in the Deadlyest Warrior versus William Wallace episode
- Shaka appears as a supporting character in the 2002 novel Steven Barnes Lion's Blood, alternative history in which America is colonized by Africans rather than Europeans.
- Shaka is referenced in the song "Shaka Zulu" by F. Stokes.
- Referenced in the song "Blockbuster Night Part 1" by Run The Jewels.
- Shaka Zulu is a 1987 album by South African isicathamiya and mbube group Ladysmith Black Mambazo.
Shaka as a non-innovator borrower
Some scholars argue that the popular portrayal of Shaka as a sudden appearing genius creates innovations overly exaggerated, and that to the contrary, Shaka is the borrower and imitator of custom methods, customs and even the ruling lineage already in place. They also argue that the Shaka line is relatively short-lived and receives undue attention, compared to other more established lines and rulers in the region.
It seems more likely that Shaka, who was trying to build the strength of a previously unimportant tribal chief, withdrew the inherited legacy known to his nearest neighbor. J.H. Soga implied a lot when he used genealogical evidence to argue that Zulu is a lower-standing group in dignity and distinction by establishing states in their territory, for example, the Hlubi, Ndwandwe and Dlamini lines.83 Using different informants and charts pedigree, DI Bryant came to the same conclusion. The Zulu line - "the dubious house of the genealogical kingdom" - is very short compared to the lines of Langene, Ndwandwe, Swazi, and Hlubi. Using his standard formula for eighteen years of each term, Bryant calculated that the Swazi, Ndwandwe and Hlubi lines could be traced back to the early fifteenth century, while the Zulu eponymous leader had died early in the 18th century.
Shaka's victory did not succeed in erasing or erasing the memory of his better-born opponents. The hypothesis that some states of a new kind arose at the same time does not take into account the contrast between Shaka's short line and the long line of his most important opponents - especially the coalition grouped around his deadly enemy Zwide (Dies 1822). ). The founding fathers of the so-called Omer-Cooper "Zulu-type countries," including Ndebele, Gasa, Ngoni, and Swazi are all closely related to Zwide. Instead of hypothesizing that they all choose to imitate Shaka, it is easier to imagine that he exemplifies his country to them. And since they are from an ancient family, it is very likely that such countries existed in the more remote past. Soga and Bryant connect each of them to a larger group they call Mho. "
See also
Notes and references
Further reading
- Chanaiwa, David Shingirai (1980). "The Zulu Revolution: State Formation in Pastoralist Communities". African Studies Review . 23 (3): 1. doi: 10.2307/523668. ISSNÃ, 0002-0206.
- Knight, Ian (1995) Anatomy of the Zulu Army
- Mostert, Noel (1992) Frontier
- Carroll, Rory (May 22, 2006). "The brutality of Shaka Zulu is exaggerated, says the new book." The Guardian . Retrieved 2016-07-01 .
External links
- South Africa Military History Society - Zulu Military Organization and Challenge 1879
- Shaka: Zulu chieftain
- Shaka History
- Proposal Sculpture
- "Shaka Zulu", Carpe Noctem
Source of the article : Wikipedia