Next to Normal (styled like beside normal ) is American rock music of 2008 with books and lyrics by Brian Yorkey and music by Tom Kitt. The story is centered around a mother who struggles against worsening bipolar disorder and the effects of her illness and her management of her family. The musical also addresses the issue of sadness, suicide, drug abuse, ethics in modern psychiatry and the belly of suburban life.
Next to Normal received several workshop performances before the Off-Broadway debut, won the Outer Critics Circle Award for Extraordinary New Score and received a Drama Desk Awards nomination for Best Actress (Alice Ripley) and Extraordinary Score. After running Off-Broadway, the show was played at Stage Arena in temporary place in Virginia from November 2008 to January 2009.
The musical opened on Broadway in April 2009. It was nominated for the 2009 Eleven Tony Awards and won three: Best Original Score, Best Orchestration and Best Performance by Leading Actress in Music for Alice Ripley. It also won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, becoming the eighth musical in history to receive honor. The previous musical to win the Pulitzer was Rent in 1996, which was also directed by Michael Greif. In awarding Kitt and Yorkey, the Pulitzer Council called the show "strong rock music grappling with mental illness in suburban families and expanding the scope of the musical subject matter."
Next to Normal has been named one of 21st century's best musicals and the soundtrack is one of the best original soundtracks in the musical because of its graceful handling, dark and complex subject matter and its movements and honest cruel explorations â € <â € <
The first US national tour was launched in November 2010, with Alice Ripley repeating her role on Broadway; The tour ends in July 2011. Broadway production closed in January 2011 after more than 700 performances. There are many international productions.
Video Next to Normal
Act Me
Suburban's mother, Diana Goodman, waited until late at night for her opposed son in and out, and tried to comfort her anxious and over-ambitious daughter, Natalie. In the morning, their son returns, and Dan, Diana's husband, goes up to help prepare the family for the day ("Just Another Day"). Everything seemed normal until Dan and Natalie realized that Diana's sandwiches covered every surface in the kitchen. When Dan helps Diana's confusion, the children rush to school. Natalie escapes to the protection of the piano training room ("Everything Else") and is disturbed by Henry, a classmate who likes to listen to her game and who is clearly attracted to her.
Over the next few weeks, Diana makes a series of visits to her doctor, while Dan waits in the car to ask how to overcome his own depression. Diana has suffered from bipolar disorder and psychosis for the past sixteen years. His doctor continued to adjust his medication, with various side effects, until he said he did not feel anything, at which point he stated his "stable" ("Who's Crazy"/"Psychopharmacologist and I"). Natalie and Henry grow closer until one day she expresses her love for her ("Perfect for you") and they kiss for the first time. Diana, watching this, is worried that her best years may be behind her ("I Miss the Mountains"). With the encouragement of his son, he cleans up the medicine.
A few weeks later, Dan hopes to have dinner with his family ("It Will Be Good"), where Henry is invited, which makes Natalie disappointed. She gladly tells how Diana has been energetic and in a great mood over the last few weeks, but when Diana comes up with a cake singing "Happy Birthday" for her son, Dan and Natalie are destroyed. And cautiously reminds him that their son died sixteen years ago, when he was a baby ("He is not here"). And mentioned his return to the doctor, but Diana refused, saying Dan might not hurt the way he did it ("You Do not Know"). And try to persuade him to trust him when their son tries to convince his mother to listen to him instead ("I Am the One"). In her room, Natalie wreaks her outrage at Henry and then refuses Diana's half-hearted apology when her sister sees and taunts him ("Superboy and the Invisible Girl").
A few days later, Diana started working with Doctor Madden, trying treatment without drugs. When his son tried to confirm his presence ("I'm Alive"), Dan and Natalie doubted the session helped. After a fight, Natalie begins experimenting with her old prescription medication. Doctor Madden proposed hypnosis to help Diana find her trauma root. This therapy drained her emotions and Dan worried that it was too much pressure on her mental health, while Natalie bombed an important piano recital when she realized her mother was absent ("Make Up Your Mind"). Finally, Diana agreed it was time to let her son go. Diana goes home to clean up her son's stuff, stops listening to the music box ("I Dreamed a Dance"). Her son danced with her and invited her to 'go with him' ("There a World"). He attempted suicide and was hospitalized.
At the hospital, Diana is drugged and under control, with her own wounds inflicted on her wrist. Doctor Madden explained to Dan that ECT is the standard treatment for drug-resistant patients who are at high risk for suicide. And go home to clean up after Diana and barely avoid distractions ("I've"). The next day, Doctor Madden proposed treatment to Diana, and he reacted angrily, comparing the treatment with the lobotomy performed in the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest ("Did not I See The Movie?"). And arrives and manages to convince him that it may be their last hope ("A Light in the Dark").
Act II
Diana received a series of ECT treatments for two weeks. Meanwhile, Natalie explores clubs and drugs, apparently sharing a hallucination with her mother. ("Wish I Were Here"). Diana came home from the hospital, but she has lost nineteen years of memory ("Song of Forgetting"). At school, Henry confronts Natalie about him avoiding her, and invites her to a spring formal dance ("Hey # 1").
Dan and Diana visit Doctor Madden, who convinces them that memory loss is normal ("Seconds and Years") and encourages Dan to use photos, mementos, and the like to help Diana recover. And gather the family to do it ("Better Than Before"), with little success. When Natalie pulled the music box out of a pile of mementos, she whispered it, leaving Diana puzzled. Her son appears, invisible ("Aftershocks"), while Diana says And there's something she really wants to remember beyond her reach. When Henry arrives looking for Natalie, Diana pauses, looks at her face and asks her age. She reminds him of someone. Unashamed, Henry rushes to Natalie's room, to convince her to join her at the dance the next night ("Hi # 2").
Diana returns to Doctor Madden ("You Do not Know" [Reprise]), and she asks Diana about his son's memory, not knowing that Dan has purposely avoided mentioning it. Doctor Madden suggested that he explore further his history and talk more with her husband. Diana goes home and searches through the memento box, finds the music box. And try to stop it, but the memories of their baby boys rush back ("How Can I Forget?"). Diana admits to remembering her son as a teenager. And also realize that boy's death is the beginning of all their problems. Diana demands to know his name, but Dan refuses and instead insists that they should return for more care ("It Will Be Good" [Reprise]). Henry arrives to pick up Natalie, who has dressed up to dance, just in time for both of them to watch an agitated Dan take the music box from Diana's hand and crush it to pieces on the floor.
Diana confronts Dan, wondering why she survives after how many problems she gives, while upstairs, Natalie asks Henry the same question ("Why Stay?"). Answer And, repeated by Henry, both swear to stay firm ("Promise"). When both couples embraced, the son of Diana and Dan reappeared ("I'm Alive"), who sent Diana to run to Madden Doctor.
Diana asked Doctor Madden what to do if the medicine did not work. He realized that it was not his sick brain, but his soul ("The Break"). Madden makes sure the recurrence is common, and suggests more ECT ("Make Up Your Mind"). Diana refused. Doctor Madden urged him to continue treatment for his chronic and deadly illness. He thanked me and left. Natalie, waiting outside, was sad to know her mother stopped the treatment. Diana explains ("Maybe [Next to Normal]"), opening for her daughter for the first time. She urges Natalie to go to school dances, where Henry waits to cheer and embrace her ("Hi # 3"/"Perfect for You" [Reprise]).
Diana says And he left her, explaining he can not always be there to catch her. He needs to take risks and handle things on his own ("So Anyway"). He leaves and leaves their son with Dan. When Dan wondered how he could leave her after he stood near him for so long, their son approached and said And he would not go anywhere ("I Am the One" [Reprise]). And grew more desperate until he finally faced the boy and called him by his name for the first time: Gabe.
Natalie returns home and finds her father sitting alone in the darkness, crying. He comforted her and turned on the lights in the room, before assuring her that they would both think about everything ("Light"). Henry arrives to study. Natalie informs her that Diana is away with her own parents. And visiting Doctor Madden hopes to talk about Diana, but Madden instead offers him the name of another mental health worker. Diana appeared, alone and still sick, but hopeful.
Maps Next to Normal
Note: This description is from the Character section of the script.
- Diana: "Sexy.Sharp Delusions of bipolar depression, Thirties or forties."
- Gabe: "Diana's son, Gagah, Gentile, bright, playful, all the things a mother wants, almost eighteen."
- And: "Diana's husband, handsome, native, constant, tired, thirties or forties."
- Natalie: "Princess Diana, Sixteen and trying to be perfect It's not going well."
- Henry: "Musician, Romantic, Stoner, Slacker King of Philosopher Seventeen."
- Doctor Madden (Good Doctor): "On the young side of youth, guaranteed, a rock star."
Music number
Note: Song title is not listed in the program
2008 Off-Broadway
2009 Broadway
Penyakit mental di Di samping Normal
Gangguan bipolar I
Next to Normal follows a woman's struggle with mental illness and disease effects on her whole family. Diana is the focus of complex exploration into the "monstrous mother" trope that is often depicted in the context of film, television and theater culture. The authors illuminate the experiences of those suffering from bipolar disorder. This success is debatable, depending on which side you approach this problem, it can further stigmatize the sufferers of this disease by trying to portray it realistically, or it can be a connected and entertaining expression of what it's like to live on a daily basis. Kitt and Yorkey started writing musicals in 2002 and continued into 2008. Since then there have been changes in the mental health field related to the understanding and treatment of bipolar depressive disorder. In the show, according to Dr. Fine, Diana is said to be a "depressive bipolar with delusional episodes". While at the time it was an accurate diagnosis, things had changed, so the diagnosis was invalid.
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is a book that outlines all the mental disorders and symptoms needed for their diagnosis. APA continuously edits this to accommodate new discoveries in the field. In recent years, one of these changes is a classification change for bipolar disorder (what was formerly known as bipolar depressive disorder or manic-depressive disorder now known as bipolar I or bipolar II). Due to this change, Diana will no longer be diagnosed with what Dr. Madden "bipolar depressive disorder with delusional episodes," but bipolar I with psychotic features - my bipolar refers to his illness and psychotic features referring to the added psychotic features he's experiencing, such as the hallucination of his grown son Gabe.
Bipolar I is a mood disorder characterized by periods of depression alternating with episodes of mania. The period of depression is known as the episode of major depression. In simpler terms, mania, or episode mania, is defined as a different time period of an abnormally elevated mood that lasts for at least a week and is present for most of the day. In Next to Normal , Diana is seen during an episode of mania when she is awake most of the night and during â € Å"Just Another Dayâ €, when she makes sandwiches in an unreasonable amount to "move on." lunch ", and then during" It Will Be Good "when he goes off his medicine.The major depressive episode is a different time period in which a person suffers from depression.This usually lasts at least two weeks and can cause the individual to experience hypersomnia (sleeping too much) , fatigue and loss of energy, and recurrent thoughts about death or suicide Those who have the disorder often have a period of recovery between mood episodes In addition, the "psychotic feature specifier" refers to psychotic symptoms - most often delusions and hallucinations - that are experienced simultaneously with episodes of manic or major depression.
Bipolar I and II are disorders that are difficult to diagnose and are often undetectable and misdiagnosed, leaving the disease inadequately treated (Rivas-Vasquez et al., 2002). The average onset of bipolar I is about 18 years, but is largely based on individual development. In addition, bipolar I is believed to have a biological/genetic origin.
Treatment of bipolar disorder
Bipolar I is a disease that has a profound effect on those who are diagnosed with the disease and their families. It is not a curable disease, and it is mostly treated through psychopharmacology, psychology, and biological means.
First, and arguably most popular, is psychopharmacological therapy, commonly known as drug therapy. It involves the use of antipsychotic drugs, anticonvulsants, and antidepressants, which aim to stabilize the patient's mood. These drugs include Lithium, Ativan, Valproate, and Valium. This form of treatment is one of the two most noticeable forms of therapy across Next to Normal . Although in Next to Normal Diana take a large number of different medications at once, doctors do not always suggest patients take so many different drugs at once. The song is "My Psychopharmacologist and I" is Diana walking through her drug therapy, with Dr. Fine adjusts the medication to ultimately stabilize him. This form of treatment is also often accompanied by side effects ranging from drowsiness to sexual dysfunction, all of which are seen at many points throughout the show.
Another form of treatment for bipolar I is psychotherapy. This is the type of therapy most commonly associated with mental illness, where patients talk to psychologists and aim to work through the psychological components of their disease. For bipolar I, patients work to maintain a healthy level of daily functioning and learn to manage their bead and depression symptoms. In Next to Normal this is visible through Diana's session with Dr. Madden, his psychologist, where he speaks through his struggle to overcome Gabe's loss and his memory.
The third form of treatment is biological treatments, such as Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) in which seizures are induced by sending an electrical current through the brain. This is the second most central form of care seen in Next to Normal . Diana is sure to undergo ECT and then lose her memory (including her memory of Gabe), which she gradually gets back. ECT is not, however, the first round option when it comes to the treatment of bipolar disorder. In fact, ECT is often seen as a last resort for treatment, usually considered for painful and highly resistant manic patients or whose symptoms include very serious suicide or psychotic symptoms, or in pregnant women. This practice applies in Next to Normal where ECT is only raised as a treatment option after Diana attempts suicide by cutting her wrist after being asked by Gabe's hallucinations to commit suicide to be with her (I Dreamed a Dance "/" There's a World "). It was only after Diana's condition became resistant to drug therapy and she became very suicidal. Madden suggested Dan talk to him about using ECT as a treatment option.
The musical began in 1998 as a 10-minute workshop sketch of a woman undergoing electric shock therapy, and its impact on her family, called Feeling Electric. Yorkey brought the idea to Kitt when both were in BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theater Workshop. Kitt wrote rock scores for short pieces, which were very critical of medical care. Both Yorkey and Kitt turned to other projects, but they "kept going back to Feeling Electric," eventually expanding it into full musical. It has been read in 2002 at the Village Theater in Issaquah, Washington, then in several places in New York City, with players including Norbert Leo Butz as Dan Sherie Rene Scott as Diana, Benjamin Schrader as Gabe, Anya Singleton as Natalie and Greg Naughton as Dr. Madden. A subsequent gradual reading was held in late 2002 at the Musical Theater Theater Mondays in New York.
In 2005 it worked again at the Village Theater starring Amy Spanger as Diana, Jason Collins as Dan, Mary Faber as Natalie and Deven May as Dr. Madden. In September 2005, the musical was screened at the New York Music Theater Festival, with Spanger as Diana, Joe Cassidy as Dan, Annaleigh Ashford as Natalie, Benjamin Schrader as Gabe and Anthony Rapp as Dr. Madden. This attracted the attention of producer David Stone. Second Stage Theater then worked on sections in 2006 and 2007, featuring Cassidy and later Greg Edelman as Dan, Alice Ripley as Diana, Mary Faber and then Phoebe Strole as Natalie, Rapp as Dr. Madden/Dr. Good and Skylar Astin as Henry. Meanwhile, at Stone's insistence and director Michael Greif, who has joined the team, the creators focus on family suffering rather than on criticism from medical institutions.
Off-Broadway and Virginia (2008-09) Off-Broadway and Virginia (2008-09) Off-Broadway and Virginia (2008-09) Off-Broadway_and_Virginia_.282008.E2.80.9309.29 ">
Next to Normal was first produced Off-Broadway at the Second Stage Theater from 16 January to 16 March 2008, directed by Greif, with Anthony Rapp as the director's assistant and musical performances by Sergio Trujillo. The cast featured Ripley as Diana, Brian d'Arcy James as Dan, Aaron Tveit as Gabe, Jennifer Damiano as Natalie, Adam Chanler-Weight as Henry and Asa Somers as Dr. Madden/Dr. Good. The surname changed from Brown to Goodman. Although the event received mixed reviews, at least one reviewer criticized it for encouraging irresponsible messages about the treatment of bipolar disorder and for failing to strike the right balance between pathos and comedy. The critics found the show internally confusing, and the team decided to make major changes in both the book and the score, including eliminating the original song title, "Feeling Electric". They concentrate the story entirely on Diana's emotions and her family when they face bitter truth.
The rewritten musical was given a regional theater production at the Stage Arena (usually in Washington but operated in Virginia during the renovation of its main facility), from 21 November 2008 to 18 January 2009, under Greif's direction. J. Robert Spencer takes over Dan's role while Louis Hobson takes over the role of Dr. Madden/Dr. Good; Lead Off-Broadway is left again. This production received a warm welcome, with critics noting that "comic songs and fancy production numbers" have been replaced by songs that complement the emotional content of the book. Broadway (2009-11)
Next to Normal started a preview on Broadway at Booth Theater on March 27, 2009, with the opening night of April 15th. All players from the Stage Arena production are back, again under Greif's direction. The music was originally reserved for the larger Longacre Theater, but, according to producer David Stone, "When Theater Booth became available... we knew it was the right space for Next to Normal ".
Reviews are very favorable. Ben Brantley of The New York Times wrote that Broadway's production is "A, an incredible musical.This is something much more than just fun music: it's music-everything." Rolling Stone called it "The best new music of the season - a mile away." Next to Normal was listed in the Top Ten of the Year for 2009 "Curtain Up".
The event set a new box office record at Booth Theater for the week ending January 3, 2010, the best-selling $ 550,409 for nine performances. The previous record was held by the 2006 production of Brian Friel Faith Healer , with gross $ 530,702. One year later, Next Normal broke the record again during the last week on Broadway (week ending January 16, 2011) lubricated $ 552,563 for eight gigs. The producers regained their initial investment of $ 4 million a few days after the one-year anniversary of production on Broadway. At the end of the journey, Beside Normal earned $ 31,764,486, the most of all the performances that had been going on at Booth Theater, earning twice as much money as its nearest competition, I 'Not Rappaport .
Cast replacements during the run included Marin Mazzie as Diana, Brian d'Arcy James and then Jason Danieley as Dan, Kyle Dean Massey as Gabe and Meghann Fahy as Natalie. John Kenrick wrote in November 2010 that the show "shines with amazing brilliance for ending its Broadway run."
Broadway production closed on January 16, 2011 after 21 previews and 733 regular performances.
Twitter campaign campaign
In May 2009, about six weeks into Broadway, Next to Normal began publishing scripted versions that were adapted via Twitter, a social media network. Over 35 days, the serial version of the show was published, one line from the character at a time. Twitter promotion ends the morning of June 7, 2009, the morning of 2009 Tony Awards. This initiative produces OMMA Award 2009 music for Best in Show Situation Interactive.
First national tour (2010-11)
Next to Normal started its first national tour of North America and Canada at the Ahmanson Theater in Los Angeles, California on November 23, 2010. The tour was played in 16 cities in the US, ending in Toronto, Ontario, Canada at 30 July 2011. Alice Ripley imitates her role as Diana and joins Asa Somers as Dan, Emma Hunton as Natalie, Curt Hansen as Gabe, Preston K. Sadleir as Henry and Jeremy Kushnier as Dr. Madden/Dr. Good.
Note: The following is an independent production of internationally produced musicals and, in many cases, in the native language. They also feature original music, lyrics and books, but changes in other aspects include direction, design set, costume design and choreography.
The first European premiere and first non-English language production opened in September 2010 at Det Norske Teatret in Oslo, Norway under the direction of Svein Sturla Hungnes. The players included Heidi Gjermundsen Broch as Diana and Charlotte Frogner as Natalie Broch received the Hedda Award 2011 (the highest Norwegian theatrical award) for her role. The production was then staged again for the Swedish premiere at Wermland Opera. Finnish production opened in December 2010 in Helsinki, Finland at Studio Pasila, where it lasts for one year. Swedish production opens in September 2012 at Wasa Theater in Vaasa, Finland. The players include Anna-Maria Hallgarn as Diana. Other Finnish productions are staged at the Tampere Workers Theater from October 2012 to February 2013. Denmark's production runs from February 2012 to April 2012 at the NÃÆ'¸rrebro Theater in Copenhagen, Denmark.
The next Swedish production also opens in September 2012 at the Stockholm City Theater, Sweden, with Lisa Nilsson as Diana
The Asian premiere is staged at the Auditorium of Carlos P. Romulo, RCBC Plaza, Makati, Philippines in March 2011 and again in October 2011. The players include Markki Stroem as Henry. Kolleen Park plays Diana in the 2011 Korean production Next to Normal which airs in Singapore on September 5, 2013, at the Drama Center Theater. The players included Sally Ann Triplett as Diana, Adrian Pang as Dan, and Nathan Hartono as Gabe.
The premiere of Australian musical by the Melbourne Theater Company was staged in Melbourne, Australia. The show starts on April 28, 2012, and runs until June 4 (extended from 28 May). The players include Kate Kendall as Diana, Matt Hetherington as Dan and Bert LaBonte as Dr. Fine/Dr. Irritating.
A production in Perth is played at the Heath Ledger Theater from 5-19 November 2015. Produced by Black Swan State Theater Company, the cast includes Rachael Beck as Diana and Brendan Hanson as Dan.
South America
A premiere Spanish play of the musical plays Teatro Marsano, in Lima, Peru. Production takes place from May to June 2011. The players include Gisela Ponce de LeÃÆ'³n as Natalie The Argentine adaptation, entitled "Casi Normales", played Buenos Aires from 3 January 2012 to 5 April 2015. The players include JosÃÆ'Â © Luis Bartolilla as Gabe. Brazilian production opened in July 2012 at Clara Nunes Theater in Rio de Janeiro, with the title "Quase Normal", which translates Almost Normal .
The Dutch premiere takes place on January 16, 2012 at DeLaMar Theater in Amsterdam. The players include Simone Kleinsma as Diana. German-speaking production opens at Stadttheater in FÃÆ'¼rth, Bavaria, on October 11, 2013. Pia Douwes starred in Diana's role with Thomas Borchert as Dan. The Italian version of the show, produced by STM and directed by Marco Iacomelli, opened on 7 March 2015 at Teatro Coccia in Novara. Spanish-language production opens in Teatro PÃÆ' Â © rez GaldÃÆ'³s in Las Palmas, the Canary Islands, on 14 September 2017, with Nina starring as Diana. In 2016, in Portugal, was opened Portuguese version, entitled "Quase Normal". Russian-language production ("????????????"), directed by Anastasia Grinenko, opened in Minsk, Belarus on March 28, 2018, with Svetlana Matsievskaia starring Diana.
Note: Below are the main players of all major official musical productions.
- The famous Broadway replacement
- Gabriel "Gabe" Goodman: Kyle Dean Massey
- And Goodman: Brian d'Arcy James, Jason Danieley
- Diana Goodman: Marin Mazzie
- Natalie Goodman: Meghann Fahy
Literary references and allusions
- During Act I, Gabe reads a small copy of The Catcher in the Rye . Kyle Dean Massey said, "I read about one page last night." Salinger's novel about losing mourning is read by a lost character . At Catcher , Holden struggles with the loss of brother, Allie, who dies of leukemia.
- While sorting a box of items from his son's room, Diana took the music box out of the box to open a copy of Good Morning below it.
- Natalie carries a copy of Hardcover Flowers for Algernon , which she is currently studying at school. Both the novel and "Next to Normal" relate to psychological experiments.
- Diana alludes to Fly on Cuckoo's Nest, Sylvia Plath, and Frances Farmer in the song "Did not I See This Movie?".
- Diana also read from Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? , a drama by Edward Albee who deals with marital stress caused by problems similar to some in "Next to Normal". On her YouTube site, Alice Ripley says that she uses Albee's game as a Bible, drawing inspiration for Diana.
Pulitzer Prize Controversy
Next to Normal won the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama even though it was not included in the list of three candidates submitted to twenty members of the Pulitzer Prize by five Drama jurors. Chairman Jury and critic Charles McNulty openly criticized the Council for ignoring the three dramas, which did not run on Broadway at the time of the Awards, supporting one.
Top awards and nominations
Original Off-Broadway Production
Original Virginia production
Original Broadway production
External links
- Official Site
- Next to Normal on the Internet Broadway Database
- Next to Normal on the Music Theater International website
- Twitter Performance Transcript
- Lortar Archive
- An interview with Brian Yorkey at
- NY Times Features: Out-of-Town Repair Helps next to Normal Search Focus
- NY Times Feature: On Broadway, 'Next to Normal' Aims to Truth About Mental Illness
- Daily News Broadway reviews 2009
- Entertainment Broadway Weekly 2009 Reviews
- Associated Press Broadway 2009 review
- Washington Post Broadway Review 2009
- NY Times reviews outside Broadway, February 2008
- The TheaterMania review, February 2008
- [6]
- The German site
- The Argentine website
- Italian Web site
Source of the article : Wikipedia